Welcome to
Goswami Haveli
The only way you can conquer me is through love, and there I am gladly conquered.” – Lord Krishna

sarva-dharmān parityajya mām ekaṁ śharaṇaṁ vraja ahaṁ tvāṁ sarva-pāpebhyo mokṣhayiṣhyāmi mā śhuchaḥ
'Shala and Sevas'
All Seva's take place in the haveli.

'Gau shala'
Goswami Haveli is enlightened with grace of more than 250 best cows. These cows serves shri thakurji with its byproducts such as milk, curd, butter, buttermilk and ghee. The dungs and Gaumutra are used for Agnihotra fuels. Gaushala is thus also a significant part of agnihotra tradition.
Achrya Ranchhodlalji daily performs gauseva -Gaupoojan program to show his ultimate belief in betterment of gaumata.
Vaishnava devotees take part in serving cows in form of feeding and providing needed infrastructure to them.
'Ashwa Shala'
Goswami Haveli conserves and maintains the best breeds of royal horses to serve thakurji. These horses are used for transit in agnihotra also. So is also an inseparable part of Agnihotra tradition. These horses are seen in traditional processions of Dusherra, Mahaprabhuji Utsav and other more.
'Kala & Vidya Vibhag '
Goswami Haveli is enriched with gient Library. Various granthas of various shastras are conserved with care here.
Kala vibhag
Various paintings, sculptures, articles of wood, decoratives etc are preserved for artistic seva of lord. Rare Musical instruments such as beena, nagada, chang, upang etc are also preserved within campus of haveli.
Samadhan Pedhi
It is the place where the offred sevings are given to vaishnav devotees as prasaadi. They can be on forms of malaji, beeraji, prasaad dabra/chhab etc. The offrerings of rajbhog,mangalvhog, palna are also booked and allorted here. Such Maintainence is kept headed by “Samadhaniji”.
The whole maintainnence of external affairs of Haveli mandir are taken under care of “Adhikariji”.

Yagnashala and Agnihotra Yagnas
Yagna refers in Hinduism to any ritual done in front of a sacred fire, often with vedik mantras. Yagna has been a Vedic tradition. The tradition has evolved from offering oblations and libations into sacred fire to symbolic offerings in the presence of sacred fire (Agni).
It is the place where the beautiful garlands and flora acticles are prepared for serving Shree Thakorji. Maintainence of flowers and other natural flora is kept headed by “Fulghariyaji”.
It is the place where the vegetables and fruit are taken care for being prepared for serving Shree Thakorji. Maintainence is kept headed by “Shakghariyaji”.
Khasa Bhandar
It is the place where the grossary acticles are stored and maintained for serving Shree Thakorji. Maintainence of bhandar is kept headed by “Bhandariji ”.

Religious, Moral & Spiritual Growth
Our mission is to promote devotion to Lord Krishna, promote Pushti marga and sanathana darma , serve humanity, preserve Vedic culture, and embrace inclusivity and diversity. We believe that by following these principles, we can help people lead fulfilling and meaningful lives and contribute to a better world for all.
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri: 7am - 10pm
Saturday: 7am - 10pm
Sunday: 7am - 10pm
+91 7575802304