Digvijay Trust
The Shri Vallabhacharya Digvijay Trust aims to carry out various activities to promote social well-being, Indian culture, education, research, environment preservation, and the preservation and promotion of Indian art and heritage.
This trust institution shall carry on its activities with a nuteral, perspective, beyond the boundries of religion, cast, creed, colour, language and spiritual belief with a greater goal of global brotherhood as stated in ancient indian phylosophical codes and with dense compassionate feelings of huminity.
1. To Take steps for social well being
To provide pure water and food to needy people.
To spread awarness about bad habits/addictions.
To work for children, women, aged people, handicapped and dalits by helping them with various means and materials and also with financial help.
To accomodate and help for labourers and farmers.
To help iternal / backward / needy villages for development and progress by financial and other means and materials.
To take-on skill developement programmes.
To provide financial help and other means and materials to institutions and individuals for same cause.
2. To work for social / public welfare according to sanatan dharma and Indian culture.
To establish annakshetras to provide food for free or resonable costs.
To establish dharmashalas/night shelters and such facilities for free or resonable costs.
To establish parabs, wells, step wells, lakes, ghats.
To establish well equipped reading centres, libraries, pathshalas for spreading knowlege.
To adopt/overtake such annakshetras, dharmashala etc. sites and maintain them.
To help the people suffering from natural and social hazards.
To provide financial help and other means and materials to institutions and individuals for same cause.
3. To work for research activities in various fields.
To establish the research centres for such cause.
To work for encouragement for research in various fields.
To help students/scholars/reasearchers of the field by financial and other means.
To help other institutions and individuals for the same objective.
4. To work for Indian Philosophical system.
To spread awareness and ancourage people to study Philosophical systems of India
To carry on research about various Indian philosophy.
To grant stipends, honorariams and scholarships to the scholars and researchers of the field.
To hold seminars, debates etc. about the cause.
To honour scholars, acharyas and students of the field by awarding medals, titles and certificates.
To help other institutions and individuals for the same cause.
5. To take-on Environment preservation programmes
To work for spreading awareness for pollution control.
To work for tree plantation and water resources preservation.
To provide grants, loans, means and materials for such activities.
6. Take steps towards gau-seva and Jeeva-daya
To establish gaushalas and other Jeeva-daya kendra to take care of cows and other animals.
To provide financial help / other means and materials to such institutions or individuals.
To spread awareness for the cause of Jeeva-daya.
To adopt/takeover gaushalas and Jeeva-daya centres for the cause.
To establishment of funds and fixtures by all means and materials and financial aids.
7. To encourage educational systems.
To establish and manage schools, collages and other educational
To help other institutions and individuals for the educational
Provide financial aids to researchers, students & scholars.
To work for ancient school of thoughts based on Indian culture.
To work for digitalisation of ancient literary works.
8. To encourage Indian literature.
To set-up publication house and such centres for publishing
Indian Literature.
To print/publish books related to Indian Literature.
To help students/scholars/reasearchers of the field by financial and other means.
To take steps towards preservation and education of Indian literature.
To set-up discussion sessions, debates, courses and other related activities for the same objective.
To carry-on promotional activities and spreading awareness about the same objective.
9. To encourage Sanskrit and other Indian languages
To establish study centres.
To set-up discussion sessions, caurses and other related activities for the same objective.
To help students/scholars/reasearchers of the field by financial and other means.
To carry-on promotional activities and spreading awareness about the same objective.
To help other institutions and individuals for the same cause.
10. To encourage museology
To establish museums for taking care of the articles of Indian heritage
To collact the articles of Indian Inharitance like manuscripts, paintings, musical instruments and other.
To help students/scholars/reasearchers of the field by financial and other means.
To help other institutions and individuals for accomplishment of same objective.
To work for spreading awareness about the same objective.
11. To encourage Indian classical music and other performing arts and fine arts.
To establish educational Institutes of the same objective.
To arrane promotional activities, programmes, seminars, lectures, discussions and debates for such activities related with same objective.
To help students/scholars/reasearchers of the field by financial and other means.
To help other institutions and individuals for the same cause.
To work for promoting classical music esspecially Haveli Sangeet and other performing arts and fine arts.
12. To encourage Ayurveda and other medical systems.
To establish medical institutes like dispensories and hospitals for the needy people.
To establish reaserch centres and collages for the same objective.
To help students/scholars/reasearchers of the field by financialand other means.
To help other institutions and individuals for the same cause.
To provide medical help to the needy people.
13. To carry-on activities for teertha-vikaas (pilgrimages & religious centers)​
To discover ancient pilgrimage centres and provide financial and other help for this.
To develope pilgrimage centres with basic facilities for the devotees and other visitors.
To work for cleanliness of the pilgrimage centres
To adopt/takeover pilgrimage sites and maintain & manage them.
To provide financial help and other means and materials to institutions and individuals for same cause.
14. To hold Shree Vallabhacharyaji. the spiritual activities related to the phylosophy of Jagadguru
To arrange cultural and religious tours.
To arrange cultural and religious programmes like katha,
spiritual sessions, kirtans etc.
To work for speading ethics of Jagadguru Shri Vallabhacharyaji.
15. To establish the pilgrimage centres/temples as per principles of pushtimarg sect established by Jagadguru Shri Vallabhacharya.
To establish campus of the temples/haveli/baithaks
To establish fund and fixtures by all means and materials and financial aids.
To carry-on all spiritual and religious activities and retuals of Pushtimargiya temple
To carry-on cultural activities related to the temple and sect.
To establish acharyanivaas, vaishnav nivaas, mandaan, library, satsang bhavan and other related buildings.
To adopt/take-over temples of the pushtimarg and also help to pushtimargiya temples by financial and other means and materials.
To manage and take care of the necessities of such temples / pilgrimage centres.
To carry-on promotional activities for the sect.
16. To encourage cultural, traditional, religious codes of heritage by taking promotional and institutional steps.
17. To aid, assist, accomodate, help, promote, encourage, overtake, adopt or institutionalize various individuals or institutions for accomplishment of above mentiioned objectives with financial and other necessary means and materials.